Helping you with the challenges of information management and technology.

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Records Assessments

Modernize & streamline.
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Schedule. Inventory. Purge.
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Budgeting with data.
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Done right.
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Faster. Better. Online
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NIBRS services

How it works

Our Proven Process

Our standard process ensures you get exactly what you need, and you know what it costs.

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Book Your Free Consultation

Calendar a discovery call here and tell us about your needs.

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Discovery Call

A 30-60 minute call to discuss your needs. Bring your stakeholders and decision makers. 

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Project Presentation

30-60 minute online presentation of what you need, what we propose, and Q&A.


Review Your Proposal

We’ll send a proposal describing how we can help and what it would cost.

Assessments Featured Mobile

Modernized, Streamlined, Compliant Records Management.

What Is It?  An assessment is a collaborative, professional comprehensive review of unit-level or enterprise-wide records management operations and systems to resolve the common issues of backlogs, non-compliance, broken business process, staffing, and misallocation of work.

Our experts will conduct a needs assessment including meeting with employees, gathering data, process mapping, technology review, and job-task analysis for problem-identification and resolution.

PRI can be engaged to provide different levels of service including findings and recommendations, training, policy, business process re-engineering, or staffing studies.


  • Operational success
  • Updated policy
  • Trained employees
  • Reduced risk
  • Legal compliance
  • Refined workflows
  • Timely records and data
  • Better customer service

An agency experiencing these conditions faces officer and citizen safety risks stemming from untimely criminal data, and legal liability stemming from delayed, innacurate records:

  • Backlogs of pending reports needing approval
  • Innacurate crime data
  • Innacurate warrant information
  • Backlogged seal/expungement orders
  • Backlogged public records requests
  • Volumes of archived records that should have been purged

Common causes of these challenges include:

  • Fractured organizational structure
  • Duplication of work
  • Misprioritization of work
  • Paper-driven operations
  • Lack of key performance indicators
  • Insufficient quality control
  • High report turnaround times
  • High report error rates
  • Technology gaps or failures
  • Lack of training
  • Staffing shortages


Simplify records with fast inventory, smart retention schedules, and a seamless digital transition.

PRI specializes in public safety records management and can help your agency with every need:

  • Records management plans, strategy, procedures, compliance
  • Records valuation and retention scheduling
  • Inventory and purge projects
  • Digital transformation
  • Training
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staffing studies

Determine required staffing levels for records management operations

Contrary to popular belief, there is no industry ratio of “X” number of records employees for every “X” number of officers.  Determining staffing levels requires detailed analysis of workload volume, work-task time measurements, and business process.

Our studies have 4 phases:

We begin by inventorying all work tasks in the operation, and the corresponding workload volume for each task. We work with your staff to collect data from various systems, and from daily performance metrics through the use of tools that we provide. 

Time measurements are also collected for every work task. All data is input into our staffing model. 

The consultants will work with your staff to create process maps for as-is records-related workflows to capture the procedures for processing all criminal, traffic, and administrative records-related activity.

These process maps are used to reconcile the time measurements of each work task, and to identify any opportunities for process improvement.  Many clients also use them as training aids for new employees.

We then create new to-be process maps representing suggested improved workflows that can be implemented to achieve maximum productivity. These often include elimination of paper-driven, redundant, or unnecessary procedures.

The study culminates in a comprehensive report detailing all data, workflows, and recommendations, including specific quantifiable staffing figures for the overall operation, as well as for each individual functional role. 

Our staffing studies have been commended by our clients for the comprehensive detailed information they provide, and are successfully used for budgeting purposes.  

CAD/RMS Projects

We support Police, Sheriff, & Fire/EMS Agencies Through Every Stage of The Project

Expert Technology Project Consulting

NWe help ensure your CAD/RMS/JMS project is a success in every way. Failure is not an option, and it happens more often than it should.

What success looks like:

  • Not having to replace a system within 3 years of getting it.

  • A properly negotiated contract with no hidden risks.

  • A system that makes your job easier, not harder.

  • Not overpaying for licensing and support.

  • No bid protests due to a faulty procurement process.

  • End-users who like the system.

  • A reliable vendor with superior, responsive support.

  • Bug-free software updates.

  • On time go-live

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Public Records Made Easy.

See your options:

PRI is the creator of  GovQuest, the most easy to use, yet most advanced public records system available at a price too good to be true.

GovQuest is a Software-as-a-Service (Saas) application enabling you to have an online request and management portal with a simple login. There is nothing to install or maintain. A simple link on your website, and a login for your employees provides instant access.

GovQuest includes integrated redaction, request workflows, customizable request forms and notification templates, payment portal, and much more. GovQuest will save you time, lower your risk, and increase your customer service.

  • Request workflows and approvals
  • Built-in smart redaction tool
  • Integrated payment portal
  • Financial and operational data reports
  • In-system requester messaging
  • Retention scheduling
  • Internal user messaging
  • Instant access with a simple login; zero maintenance,
    no hidden fees, nothing to install.

Efficient business process is the foundation of being able to handle a large volume of public records requests. This entails a deep-dive assessment of all records request workflows and procedures including:

  • How requests are submitted, received, and assigned
  • How requests are tracked, fulfilled, and paid for
  • How records are gathered and redacted
  • Who approves the release of records
  • What training has been provided in public records law

PRI consultants include public records experts who build refined workflows, and know how to lower risk of non-compliance.

PRI teaches public records law in all 50 states. Our staff conducts detailed research of the latest legislative updates, opinions, and case law, and presents this information in non-complex, digestible training. 

We can also provide training aids including guides, on-demand training, and one-on-one sessions. 

GovQuest is better.

crime data

Resolve your NIBRS challenges.

PRI specializes in assisting agencies struggling with crime data accuracy, timely reports and data, and NIBRS compliance.  We’ll conduct a needs assessment, system and quality control audit, develop improved workflows, assess case management and dispositioning procedure, and provide expert training. This includes:

  • Correcting and verifying data
  • Identifying sources of errors
  • Correcting system table errors
  • Confirming crime and clearance rates

The knowledge, tools, and resources needed to ensure accurate, error-free, and timely records and data:

  • Auditing
  • Report validation and approval
  • Expert NIBRS training
  • Customized NIBRS Report Writing Manual
  • Crime reporting policy
  • Stakeholder education
  • Response to media inquiries

What Our Customers Are Saying

Public concerns about the accuracy of the police department crime statistics have been addressed by this comprehensive review. The report details exactly how the errors occurred and what we need to do to fix them. This exhaustive report will serve as a basic template for every police department in the country that has experienced crime data errors..
Executive Director, Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission

Your experience and expertise in the area of police operations, crime data and records management was a valuable resource that I would be happy to call on again, should the need arise.
Office of Internal Audit, Metropolitan Nashville

A sampling of agencies which have selected PRI for our exceptional services
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Take A Free Online Agency Evaluation

Want to see how your department compares? Do you follow information management best practice and legal requirements? Take this comprehensive 10-minute assessment and get a free report instantly along with our Police Records and Tech Governance Guide.