October 2020 The Placer County Sheriff's Office hired PRI for technical and project management services to transition the department to NIBRS reporting. PRI will provide assistance with ensuring alignment between state statutes and NIBRS coding schema, auditing,...
Campbell Police Dept. Hires PRI
October 2020 The Campbell Police Department has engaged PRI to conduct an assessment of records management operations to identify opportunities for efficiency gains and technological gaps. PRI will provide business process reengineering services and data analysis to...
Coconut Creek, FL Hires PRI for NIBRS Services
September 2020 The Coconut Creek, FL Police Department has engaged PRI to assist with successfully transitioning from the UCR Summary Reporting System to NIBRS. PRI will provide technical and programmatic process changes and training to enable accurate reporting and...
Concord, CA Police Records Assessment and Staffing Study
August 2019 The Concord, CA Police Department engaged PRI to conduct a business process and performance analysis, as well as a staffing analysis of the department's records management bureau. Recent job classification changes and operational adjustments called for an...
Boca Raton Police Hires PRI for Records Audit
June 2019 Boca Raton, FL The Boca Raton, FL Police Department has contracted with PRI to conduct a records management performance and compliance assessment. This project will provide the agency with assurances of legal compliance and industry best practice, allowing...
Eight Agency Consortium Hires PRI for NIBRS Transition Services
March 2019 Hamilton County, Indiana An eight-agency shared RMS consortium in Hamilton County Indiana has hired PRI to assist with transitioning the agencies to NIBRS reporting. A comprehensive needs assessment and business process re-engineering effort will be...
Tallahassee Police Contracts with PRI
PRI has been engaged by the Tallahassee, FL Police Department for RMS and crime data consulting services. The department had identified discrepancies in UCR data and determined an independent audit would help resolve the concern. PRI audited 2017 UCR data and...
UCR Audit
OCTBOBER 2017 What happens when one city is ranked the most violent in the state and the stats may be wrong? They turn to PRI to conduct an independent audit to assess the data, systems, code tables and reporting methodology to determine what the stats should be....
Mount Prospect Police Hires PRI: Records and IT Solutions
The Mount Prospect Police Department sought to implement a data driven policing model and as such recognized the need for accurate and timely crime data which had been hampered by outdated records management operations. The department contracted with PRI to manage the...
West Monroe Police Hires PRI Records Management Services
The West Monroe Police Department contracted with PRI to conduct a records management assessment, develop retention schedules and assist with destruction of a large volume of records. PRI also developed compliance procedures to ensure the agency retains and manages...